Monday, June 29, 2009

Post #2 Audio about Digital Story

I will also be pulling photos from the internet to space out the pictures of myself. Any ideas of pictures I should put up? What about effects?



Sarup said...

is that supposed to be just audio? i want to see the visual stuff too :)

Priscilla said...

You should use the picture that I comented on. Its cute :) (im guessing you were going to use it anyways, since you did scan it)

Eric Velazquez said...

Sorry about the confusion. Blogger doesn't allow you to post audio files. This was a blog to comment on the progress of my digital story for EDS. I had to use iMovie. There is no visual stuff...yet. You'll have to wait until July 17.

Jim Levin said...

Sounds like a good plan for your video. Just be sure that your narrative, when recorded at a natural pace, fits within 5 minutes.
