Thursday, August 27, 2009

Job offer

First blog of the new school year. It's time to go back and look through my old entries.

Summer break is almost over! Normally, I wouldn't be so excited to say that, but I just got a call today with a job offer. I will be working at a junior high! This is exciting for me because I had been to ten or more interviews; all saying no, including this school.

On my way back from the interview, I ran into my old computer-class teacher who is now principal of our elementary school. He told me the students at the district I interviewed at our rowdy and the staff really get into politics, but the pay scale is good. That is fine. I can deal with rowdy students and I don't really get into politics.

I guess one of the people they chose either backed out or did not check out. Either way, I have a job. That means I can keep writing in this blog.

I don't know how many more days of break I have. I need to go through the hiring process and school already started for them. I know that I will be spending those days moving into my new place and organizing my things.