Thursday, November 6, 2008

Just a good day

So this graphic organizer I told you about yesterday went surprisingly well. I started the class by having them throw out the skills and concepts needed to solve equations. Then we sorted the list into two categories: skills and concepts. For the last part of the activity, I handed out the graphic organizer and had the students organize all the information.

One reason why I believe this activity went well was because they all completed in the allotted time. It took about the entire period, but we finished the activity. They finished with about 5 minutes left in class. I was really pleased with how the activity turned out, but I think I could have included more scaffolding.

Tomorrow, I will print out a table, perhaps on the back of the graphic organizer, with two columns; one for skills and one for concepts. Hopefully this will help the students organize their ideas.

I could have also asked the students to write a reflection on how this helps them communicate their ideas. I didn't think of that until we started the activity. It's up here though, so next time I will remember.

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