Friday, November 21, 2008

Last day before Thanksgiving break

Today I got my laptop back from Gerry, our tech person. I left it overnight so he can install some updates and perform some maintainence. Since I missed The Office last night and I have two preps today, I decided to try Hulu. It worked!!! Other than YouTube, I wasn't able to watch any streamed video before. I watched last night's episode of The Office and the first two episodes of The Sarah Conner Chronicles, season 2. Meanwhile, I finished grading the test for one of my classes.

There is nothing too exciting to report. I let my advisory out early so they/I could get an early start to lunch. We had a staff potluck at work. It was awesome. I ate so much. I had some salad, veggies and chips with bean dip and salsa. On top of that, I had pumpkin pie, blueberry pie and baklava. That wasn't a good idea because the dessert was literally on top. I had to move it around to get to the salad.

Other than that, I gave a test in period 8. Then I left for Merced. After a 6.5 hour drive, I am here. For my birthday, Priscilla gave me a transformers toy (Overcast), a sack of marbles, a keychain with my name on it and a hand-crafted card. It was all very creative and thoughtful.

This officially marks the beginning of my week-long vacation and blogging furlough. Happy Thanksgiving!

Goals for the week: finish grading tests and quizzes, grade tutorial slips, input all grades, create a new unit plan, plan for next week.

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