Friday, October 17, 2008

A lesson is like a vector, it needs a magnitude and a direction

So nothing extraordinary happened today. Therefore, I am going to talk about my lesson plans this week. It's really cool because I do the same thing every two days. That means every two days, I have a new lesson plan and I don't have to worry about writing one Thursday night.

Well, this week, both my plans were not followed through. I blame my own overambition. However, like my UCSD supervisor says, it is better than falling short. It's worse standing in the front of the class not knowing what to do next than it is overplanning.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, I planned a lot. I sort of knew it beforehand, but I created a unit plan that I wanted to finish by Thanksgiving break. I planned to go over how to take notes, how to do homework, the addition property of equality and the multiplication property of equality. I got through the addition property with some time left, but not enough to complete the multiplication property. That was fine because there was a clear transition between the two and it wasn't a weird place to stop. So I had them start the homework. I postponed the multiplication prop. until Thursday/Friday.

On Thursday/Friday, I planned on teaching them how to do equations involving both properties together and working on their small business project. However, I changed my plan to cover the multiplication property and their SBP. Well, again, I overplanned and only got through the multiplication property. Now I'm about one day behind in my unit plan. I'm going to have to rethink that this weekend.

Anyways, I'm still learning how to create plans that work out time-wise. However, it's hard to predict what will happen in the classroom. It is better though, to overplan than it is to fall short. So, make the best use out of your time and plan a lot of things to do. If you don't finish, there is always tomorrow.

1 comment:

Christina said...

eric v, i agree. i consistently overplan, but i have learned to account for that beforehand. i anticipate that i will not get to everything, but i am comforted knowing that i have activities lined up just in case.