Thursday, October 23, 2008

Think positive because it is positive

Today I realized how sweet and innocent my 6th graders are. They are so cute in asking me if they can do the littlest things. "Can I get a drink of water?" when the fountain is only 10 feet away. "Can I check my e-mail?" when they are already on the computer. "Can I read over there?" when there is no seating chart. These are all questions they asked me today. This almost makes me consider being an elementary school teacher. Almost.

This is the MET class I am talking about. I just got this rotation of students two weeks ago. Today we had a tutorial day. I let them work on their homework for the first hour and free time for the last 30 minutes. These students come in to my class today a little rowdy. This is because they had just gotten out of advisory. In our middle school, the advisory classes allow the students to run amuck. This is partly the reason why it took me so long to get my advisory (9th graders) to the point where they are now. But that is a different story. Anyways, they run amuck in advisory, then come to my class with an elevated heart rate. This gets them all excited and it takes a few minutes to calm them down. After they calm down, they are the sweetest kids ever.

They give me the energy I need to make it through the day. Today in particular I went into 7th period a little tired. But afterwards, I came out of class pretty energetic and pumped up for class tonight. In this case, I can truly say that I am excited for 7th period and that I am happy to be there.

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