Tuesday, January 27, 2009

"Are you guys in trouble?"

Today went pretty well, for getting 5 hours of sleep last night.

I got to work pretty early. I prepared my stuff for my first period. We started a linear equations project. I took some advise from a good friend and let them pick a topic that is interesting to them; something that has to do with a trend or rate. We spent half the class period in the computer lab researching topics and news articles. Then we went back in for a lesson on factoring polynomials. The same went for 3rd period.

During 5th period prep, somehow, I was able to take a nap. I guess I was so tired, I just put my head down and fell asleep. Therefore, time got by me and I did not really get anything done. I did manage to organize my bag and files.

Advisory was great today. For the first time ever, I went to lunch in a good mood. They surprised slash impressed me. We did SSR for 15 minutes and it was actually quiet. The freshman ASB president came in with an announcement about spirit week. She was like, "Wow. Are you guys in trouble?". That gave me some good insight of the freshman mindset. I wanted to be like, "No, they're not in trouble. Shoot. They're doing great.". I think part of the reason was "Hanna" was not in the room. She was working outside in the computer lab. I let them go to lunch 7 minutes early. Tomorrow, we're going to practice for the Oreo-eating contest during the assembly on Thursday. I'm excited. This is what I'm envisioning. Although, my students are not this big.

7th period went okay too. Those 6th graders today were so darn hyper. Other than our introductory quick write, I didn't have anything planned so I had to think of something to channel their energy. I made them do a foldable on solving linear equations. Trust me, they can do it. I believe the students are going to start solving linear equations at a younger age more and more. Then I let them have free time.

I stayed about 45 minutes after school to help a few students with tutoring. I was not planning on staying since I had class, but something compelled me to stay. I helped them out, then left them in the hands of the other Algebra teacher.

Today, I found myself starting to talk more with the staff. There is one teacher in particular that I can see myself getting along with more. He is a new teacher and has been at Guajome for a couple of years. He is also relatively young. Anyways, the better I get along with people at work, the more I will want to stay. That may be the determining factor in choosing where to work next year. That and $$$.

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