Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Rome was not built in one day

Today, my first period was wonderful. They came in quietly, sat down and started the warm-up. No prompting was needed. I had a few of them show their work on the board. I finished what I had planned with plenty of time left in the period.

Third period was a different story. By the time the tardy bell rang, they were all in their seats, but most of them were talking/not working on the warm-up. This tells me I should have moved some people around. Right away I got a little upset and made them line up outside and try coming inside again. This time they started the warm-up. During the lessons, some of them started chatting when they got the chance.

One student in particular kept chatting every time I turned around. Plus, I have him sitting in the front row to try to decrease the talking. That just makes it more annoying. He was really testing my patience. Luckily for him, I was able to get through my lesson with some cool left in me. However, on Thursday, I don't think he will be so lucky.

Anyways, today, I thought how cool it would be to have these students again. After making them practice coming into class, taking notes and being respectful, I think they have become better students. By next year, they are going to be great. Their next teacher is going to reap the benefits I have sown for him or her.

I can relate this to one classmate's experience he shared today in class. Today, his students were just driving him crazy. He is a student-teacher who started at the beginning of this semester, so his situation is a little different than mine. He also said the students are not afraid of any punishment because they are pretty much serving detention and Saturday school for the remainder of the year; an exaggeration for sure. So, he started his own detention club. He was saying that the hard work he is putting in now will be more beneficial to the students' future teachers than to himself. Our doctor guest-presenter agreed and said that is just something we have to do.

So I thought about it again and realized the work he is putting in now may not benefit him because he just started. Since I have been working with my students from the beginning of the year, I have already seen great improvement. My students are maturing and learning more. I am sure they will be even better students next year.

1 comment:

jsos said...

re-line-up! that's harsh!
