Thursday, January 15, 2009

Not a typical Thursday

Today was one of the longest days ever. It was a nice day, but very long. Here is a timeline of what happened. Note: This is not the schedule of a typical Thursday.

5:30 Wake up
6:30-7:15 Drive to work
7:15-7:35 Traffic duty
7:40-9:15 Period 1: Multiplying polynomials
9:15-9:25 Break
9:30-10:55 Period 3: Multiplying polynomials
11:00-12:25 Period 5: Prep
12:30-1:00 Advisory: tutorial
1:00-1:35 Lunch: salad and chili
1:40-3:05 Period 7: tutorial
3:30-4:15 Drive to UCSD
5:00-7:00 EDS 379B
7:10-7:30 Drive to Wilhouse
7:30-8:00 Drive to Mimi's
8:00-8:45 Dinner with Priscilla
9:25-11:30 Movie with Priscilla
11:30 Drive home
12:10 Sleep

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