Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Healthy being

Today at work, one student told me that she was feeling really sick. She asked me not to call on her and ask her to participate. She just sat there quietly and took notes. I felt a little bad since she is usually one to participate and in a cheery mood.

Tonight, we started a health class at UCSD. The class is meant to teach us how to take care of our own health and help teach our students to be healthy. It's going to teach us the risks our students currently face and how to help them deal with those risks.

Walking into the class, a classmate asked me if I got sick over the break. I thought that was weird because that issue has come up a few times recently. When I was back at my mom's for Christmas, she was a little worried my brother was going to get me sick. Fortunately, I did not get sick over the break.

Another classmate came in and sat in one of the back tables. That was weird because we usually sit at the same table. He said he was sick and didn't want to infect anyone. He called a sub and stayed home from work today. Personally, I thought he should have stayed home from class too.

Our professors tell us it is extremely important to stay healthy, because in order for us to do our jobs, we need to be in a state of physical, mental and social well-being. I think this is true in general. To do what your job, relationships and other aspects of your life require, you need to take care of yourself and stay healthy.

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